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Hillary Clinton Promises Unlimited Free Abortions. Says We Should Do Everything We Can To Promote Free Abortion:


Pro-abortion presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is continuing her campaign to push free abortions paid for at taxpayer expense. She got her first endorsement in presidential campaign from the Planned Parenthood Abortion business.

Clinton is on a campaign to overturn the Hyde Amendment, which has protected American taxpayers from funding abortions since the late 1970s and which has been upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional. If the federal amendment is reversed, taxpayers will be on the hook for paying for abortions for poor women, who would become eligible for free abortions for any reason.

“It is just hard to justify, because if we have a right — and I think people have a right to health. We’re working on trying to make that real in people’s lives. But certainly, the full range of reproductive health rights that people should have includes access to safe and legal abortion,” Clinton said during a forum at Drake University in Iowa. “But if state governments, if politicians use their power to try to restrict that right, well-off people area still going to have that. We know that. But a lot of poorer women, rural women — isolated, far from a place where they can get services, are going to be denied … So, yeah, I think we should do everything we can to repeal the Hyde Amendment. I think it’s been a blockade,” Clinton continued.

During the Planned Parenthood rally where Clinton accepted the abortion company’s endorsement, she also promoted free abortions.

During the rally, Hillary said abortion and abortion funding should be “defended both in principle and in practice.”

“Any right that requires you to take extra measures to access it is no right at all,” she continued as she listed a number of pro-life measures she opposes.

“Not as long as we have laws on the books like the Hyde Amendment making it harder for low income women to exercise their full rights.” Clinton’s extreme position on abortion is clear. At a campaign event in August, she compared pro-lifers to terrorists.

Then, during a September interview on CBS, Clinton said she would oppose a federal limit on abortion at any stage of pregnancy. During the first Democratic presidential debate in October, Clinton defended Planned Parenthood although the abortion company has been caught selling aborted babies and their body parts. She said she was tired of the attacks from pro-life Republicans who have been working overtime to try to de-fund the abortion corporation. “They don’t mind having big government interfere with a woman’s right to choose and to take down Planned Parenthood — they’re fine with big government when it comes to that,” Clinton said. “I’m sick of it.”

Clinton, who brought up Planned Parenthood unprompted during both debates, has been bending over backwards to protect and defend her friends at the abortion company, which will pull out all the stops in the 2016 election to ensure she takes over the White House from pro-abortion President Barack Obama.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner in the presidential race, supports unlimited abortions up to birth – a radical stance that most Americans oppose. In a Sept. 20 interview with CBS’ Face the Nation moderator John Dickerson, Hillary Clinton revealed that she wouldn’t support a federal limit on abortion “at any state of pregnancy” in the name of a “woman’s right to choose.”

While the 2016 presidential candidate once called the content of the recent videos exposing Planned Parenthood “disturbing,” she dismissed them as “misleadingly edited” to Dickerson.

According to Clinton, women should have the say in any circumstance.

Source: Life News Service.


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